Hearts United is a non-profit, non-religious, non-racial, non-ethics organisation based and registered in Germany and Gambia (W-Africa). We have the vision that educating, cultivating and empowerment of mankind at present will emanate to forthcoming generations a greater and more promising future.

You can support our mission by becoming a sponsor, by membership, donation or simply by spreading the word.


Education is essential

In Africa as a developping continent many people live without being able to affect their own situation. These people and their entire communities are in need of help in all aspects of life but especially with quality education. Our aim is to establish schools alongside farming / gardening project to help the community to develop economically and independently, thus maintaining themselves and school...Read more

Football for a better future

We are aiming to establish a football academy at Bakau, Gambia (W-Africa). We have 3 talented teams who are regularly managed and trained since 2007.


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2 June 2012

Intervillage Football Tournament

The Intervillage Football Tournament will take place on 9 / 10 June 2012. 4 teams of 4 villages will be involved...Read more


22 April 2012

Football Academy Project Bakau

We are currently fundraising for an inter-village tournament. The tournament shall take place for 2 days with 4 villages involved and it shall end with a tournament party on the 2nd day.

This tournament is an initial stage as part of our objective to get in touch with people especially youths around villages in the Gambia and help us with our intention to initiate programs that will ease economic, education and agriculture needs. Moreover we aim to promote unity, harmony, and solidarity among villages.


1 Februrary 2012

Hearts United for Africa (Gambia) recorded a song together with the elder children of our projects for the promotion of the organisation.  

The song is called "The children".

The Children