In Africa as a developping continent many people live without being able to affect their own situation. These people and their entire communities are in need of help in all aspects of life but especially with quality education. Our aim is to establish schools alongside farming / gardening project to help the community to develop economically and independently, thus maintaining themselves and school.

Most villages are familiar with farming / gardening and are skilled in it according to our research. Our Mission is to help to develop through education and to support the locals to reach their goals in developping themselves and their communities.

Sinchum Gidom Nursery School Project

(Photo: Project Coordinator Ida Jeng with children)


Our first project is in the Gambia in a village called Jambur. The President of Hearts United for Africa / Gambia initiated this project since 2007 and have been meeting and contacting the group since. After a continual and thorough survey of the Sinchu Gidom “Groupe Juboo” (community of peace) Bako Hol” (Hearts United) in Jambur Village, Gambia, West Africa, we found that there are lots of children in the village that do not have access to a school. There are no schools at the village, not even a Kinder Garden/Nursery School.

The Women of the village are very determined to help their children to go to school and as result they formed a group called “Boka Hol” meaning Hearts United.

Just like their children, the men and women of the village almost never have access to education, and are willing to support this fully. The group was legally recommended by the government and had a certificate as a group seeking help from the outer world to establish a school for their children and a farm. Also to use the school structure for adult literacy program in the afternoons or evenings. Adult literacy program involves learning how to read and write their languages and basic math/accounts skills to handle their businesses and others aspects that require the use of mathematics techniques.

The strategy that they are currently using to gather monies are through weekly meetings and contributions by themselves. The gathering and selling of fire woods are another source of income for the group. The soil of the village is fertile, the lack of farming and gardening facilities makes it almost impossible for agriculture. However these monies are used for purposes such as when a person is sick or has a new baby within the community.

After series of meetings with the group on what project to pursue, they finally decided to seek support of the school for the children and for themselves. However it is important to note that there are other needs such as farming and gardening facilities. However, it has been decided that the school is the first priority.

Having land for agriculture will also help them to develop and maintain the school. We are looking forward to replicate the same project in more villages, and eager to meet the people who are passionate about doing the same.


Alone we can do so little - together we can do very much. Thank you for supporting our work.

Football Academy Bakau

We are aiming to establish a football academy at Bakau, Gambia (W-Africa). We have 3 talented teams who are managed and trained since 2007. Football for a better future !!

We are currently fundraising for an inter-village tournament. The tournament shall take place for 2 days with 4 villages involved and it will end with a tournament party on the 2nd day. This tournament is an initial stage as part of our objective to get in touch with people especially youths around villages in the Gambia and help us with our intention to initiate programs that will ease economic, education and agriculture needs. Moreover we aim to promote unity, harmony, and solidarity among villages.

Computer Training Project

Computer training classes are regularly held. (E-marketing, E-commerce, Windows Office 2003 / 2007 packages...)